Episode 43: Joel Pollak

Joel Pollak was personally recruited by the late Andrew Breitbart to join his then burgeoning media empire and today is senior editor-at-large at Breitbart.com.

In the latest episode of The Jamie Weinstein Show, Pollak opens up about his thoughts on President Trump’s first year in office, what he believes Breitbart’s role is in the current media ecosphere, how he defends the website from its conservative and liberal critics and how he would fix America if he were emperor for a day, among many other topics.

Show Roadmap

· How Pollak thinks Trump has done in his first year
· Has Trump delivered for the populist nationalist agenda?
· Why Trump won
· When exactly did Pollak become a Trump supporter?
· Is Pollak being considered for Ambassador to South Africa?
· Does Pollak have any concerns about Trump?
· What is Breitbart’s role in the media?
· Pollak responds to critics of Breitbart
· What the term “globalist” means to Pollak
· Why does Matt Drudge seem to dislike Steve Bannon?
· The 3 issues Pollak would focus on if he was emperor for the day
· What would Andrew Breitbart think of Breitbart today?
· Pollak on the Mercers, Milo, Ben Shapiro and Jared Kushner
· Lessons from Pollak’s career
· On Breitbart’s support of Roy Moore
· On Pollak’s influences